Respecting your Elders...
Senior Citizens are a special part of our community and it is important that we treat them with the respect they deserve.
Here are a few tips to remember when helping out Senior Citizens.
Remember to always say "Yes Sir and Yes Ma'am, No Sir and No Ma'am."
Always be courteous and open doors for Senior Citizens.
Ask if they need assistance with their packages.
If you know of a Senior Citizen who lives alone...try going over to get the mail or assist with household chores.
Adopt a GrandParent
Dr. Manners in conjunction with The Sisters of Alpha Omega, particpate in what is called our "Adopt A GrandParent Program."
This successful program, allows the members of Sisters of Alpha to go into area Senior Citizen / Retirement Homes and create friendships with the men and women whom would otherwise not receive visitors.
We currently have 41 Adopted GrandParents.
BackPacks for school
The "BackPacks for school program provides school supplies to families that are a little less fortunate. With assistance from area police, firemen, military and business owners,we have had (6) six successful years of providing services for children going back to school. "No child left behind is what we strive to assure."
If you are interested in donating supplies or volunteering to distribute supplies, please contact one of chapters.
"Have a Happy Holiday" Program
The "Have a Happy Holiday" progam provides baskets of food, clothing and toys for families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
If you are interested in donating supplies or volunteering to distribute supplies...
please contact us at